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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)

It had been 3 years since Melinda Parker’s beloved mother passed away. While she misses her mom a lot, it was no more than her dad did. Their life had been ideal–living in the suburbs, two-car garage, and nice schools. Everything was just about perfect until her death.

Amanda Parker had been diagnosed with Leukemia, a blood cancer, when it was already too late to treat it. Her death was guarenteed and it stunned the whole family. She had only a more few months to live.

The funeral was difficult for everyone. Amanda and Eric’s relatives flew in from around the country and were a big help to Melinda and her father. However, when the funeral was over, he and Melinda had to go home and deal with the loss alone. Her death changed their lives dramatically.

Melinda’s dad, Eric, had to go back to work to make ends meet and they had to sell their house. However, in the 3 years since Amanda’s death, Eric had done very well in his job and he had been lucky in the stock market. He had purchased a new house for him and Melinda, smaller than before, but very comfortable nonetheless. The job and investments provided enough money to enjoy life and take an occasional vacation.